Next week lil P goes back to school. I don't think i'll be doing any more bentos unless he requests for it. So I decided to make this my best bento ever made. hahaha.
After reading a bunch of bento cookbooks and understanding of the placement, etc. I finally able to put them all together and make this bento the most presentable one. I just hope the soy beans stay in place since they're going to the Battle Ship Missouri today.
I made 3 bentos, one for lil P, the other two are for his friend and his friend's brother. My original plan was to make 3 little Pigs, with triscuits (as straw), pretzel rods (as wood), and chocolate bar that has blocks (as bricks). I thought that was a GREAT Idea! But when I asked lil P, he said his friend would prolly like the pokemon better. I'll do the 3 little pigs another time. :)
In these bento, I have 3 mini pepperoni pizza manapua: pikachu (american cheese, nori, swiss cheese as dot on the eyes, pepperoni as cheeks and mouth) and pokemon ball (swiss cheese, nori, and pepperoni), soy beans, a clementine (lil P doesn't like it, so I gave him some Juice Plus daily veggies and fruits), and an oki doki star cracker packet. All the remainder cheese and pepperonis from the cut outs are reused into the filling. So I've got nothing wasted!
I think this is a perfect wrap up for my summer bento-making. Now i can finally have time to clean the house....hahaha..